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General Contractor Safety: Understanding EMR

General Contractor Safety: Understanding EMR

What is EMR?

What does the term EMR mean to you? EMR (or Experience Modification Rate) is a score that shows how many injuries your company has had in the past three years. It acts as a multiplier that insurance agencies use to compute workers compensation premiums. The industry average EMR is 1.0. Whether your EMR is above or below this number indicates whether your company is riskier or safer than average. Heroica Construction’s EMR of .84 is outstanding. General contractor safety is very important. Our low score means that we’re devoted to keeping our employees safe, so their families don’t suffer.

EMR in detail:

The equation to gauge Experience Modification Rate analyzes many factors. The value groups positions in different industries by their danger compared to others within that same state. The National Council on Compensation Insurance calls this the “class rate” For example, it’s more dangerous to be a carpenter than an accountant. In the equation, this difference earns a job as a carpenter a higher class rate. The Experience Modification Rate then compares your company’s number of injury claims, verse your state and industry average. Together, all of this data yields a number (your EMR) that accounts for the perceived and actual risk your company sees.

Our commitment to general contractor safety:

To have a low Experience Modification Rate companies must have a thorough safety plan. They need to work hard at every level of their organization to avoid injuries. While a low rate benefits your construction company financially, it shows a commitment to employee safety.


At Heroica Construction safety is one of our core values. Visit our website to learn more about Heroica’s safety practices or contact us about starting a new project!


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